
Digital Marketing Partner, 1st Floor, Kavya Nilaya, Behind Arogya Soudha, Kulashekara, Mangaluru, Karnataka - 575005

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How to Improve Your Core Web Vitals and Boost Your SEO Rankings

Core Web Vitals

Table of Contents Google has created a collection of precise measures called Core Web Vitals that are intended to gauge important facets of the online user experience. These measurements concentrate on a website’s overall loading speed, user-friendliness, and visual consistency. Core Web Vitals consists of three primary components: The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): The Largest […]

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Integrating Blockchain Technology in Web Development: A Beginner’s Guide

Blockchain Technology

Table of Contents Blockchain in web development is a decentralized digital ledger that maintains security, immutability, and transparency by recording transactions across several computers. Blockchain functions on a peer-to-peer network, where each member (node) maintains a copy of the complete ledger, in contrast to traditional databases that are administered by a single institution. Important Blockchain Elements […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Portfolio Website Development services

The ultimate guide to portfolio website development services

What is portfolio website design? A website that displays your work, abilities, and accomplishments for future clients, employers, or collaborators is known as a portfolio website. Guide to portfolio website development is beneficial for professionals, freelancers, business owners, and those in the creative industries who want to market their products and increase their internet visibility. […]

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What are E-commerce website development services?

What are E-commerce website development services

What are E-Commerce Website development services? Selling goods or services online through websites is referred to as e-commerce websites. A shopping cart, product catalogue, checkout process, and secure payment processing are common components of e-commerce website development services. Without a physical storefront, these websites enable firms to offer goods around-the-clock to a global audience. The […]

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