
Digital Marketing Partner, 1st Floor, Kavya Nilaya, Behind Arogya Soudha, Kulashekara, Mangaluru, Karnataka - 575005

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Unlocking the New Features: Recent Changes to Google Business Profile Chat

Google business profile

Table of Contents The chat and call history feature in Google Business Profile will be discontinued on July 31, 2024. Customers can still use Google Maps and Search to locate and get in touch with your business. Your business description, images, connections to your websites, and anything else you put on your business profile can […]

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Building Strong Customer Networks in Digital Marketing: Strategies and Tips

Table of Contents Customer networks in digital marketing play a crucial role in digital marketing strategies as they involve interconnected groups of customers who interact with a brand, creating a dynamic and engaged community. Here are some of the main reasons why customer networks in digital marketing are important: Enhanced Customer Engagement: Through social media, […]

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Programmatic vs Traditional Advertising: Key Differences

Programmatic vs Traditional Advertising

Table of Contents Small businesses must make the crucial choice of how best to spend their advertising resources in the dynamic field of marketing. The debate between programmatic vs traditional advertising has  gained more relevance than before due to the development of digital technologies. The term “traditional advertising” refers to techniques that have been used for […]

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Developing a Content Marketing Strategy: Key Steps and Considerations

content marketing strategy

Table of Contents A content marketing strategy is a detailed plan outlining how a company will produce, disseminate, and oversee content in order to accomplish particular marketing goals and objectives. Target audiences must be identified, their requirements and preferences must be comprehended, and content must be created that speaks to them at different points in […]

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The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Toolkit: Essential Resources and Tools

Table of Contents For every visitor or customer that an affiliate brings in as a result of their marketing efforts, a company that uses affiliate marketing pays one or more affiliates.Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing technique. This kind of internet marketing involves a business offering incentives to independent publications (affiliates) in exchange for their […]

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Demystifying Programmatic Advertising: A Beginner’s Guide

Programmatic Advertising

Table of Contents In the dynamic field of digital marketing, programmatic advertising has emerged as a groundbreaking strategy. The process of purchasing and selling ad space is automated by this technologically advanced approach, increasing its effectiveness and efficiency. In contrast to traditional advertising, which frequently entails direct placements and laborious negotiations, programmatic advertising makes use […]

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Explore the Top Digital Marketing Companies in India

top digital marketing companies

Table of Contents Digital platforms, in contrast to traditional marketing strategies, are always open, allowing businesses to interact with clients wherever and whenever they choose. Compared to more conventional marketing strategies like print ads, TV commercials, or billboards, digital marketing initiatives may be more reasonably priced. By utilizing cutting-edge technologies and analytics, companies can focus […]

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AI in Digital Marketing: Redefining Digital Marketing Success

ai in digital marketing

Table of Contents Data analysis Utilising artificial intelligence algorithms and methodologies, data analysis by AI in digital marketing entails processing, analysing, and deriving insights from massive amounts of data gathered from multiple sources AI systems are capable of processing enormous volumes of data, both structured and unstructured, from a variety of sources, with ease. Marketers […]

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Impact of SEO and Digital Marketing Strategies to Rank your Website

Table of Contents SEO and digital marketing are the dynamic pair of the online world. SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is comparable to your website’s framework. It entails making your website search engine-friendly. Your website is more likely to move up the ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs) when your SEO game is good. […]

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Social Media Calendar for 2024

2024 is here and will be a great year for everyone! It’s crucial to have a well-planned schedule for 2024 that includes holidays, and important events, which will help you keep updated in the digital marketing world. Social Media Calendar for 2024 will improve your online presence in addition to helping you interact with a […]

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