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On August 16, 2024, Google confirmed a Google Search ranking bug that affected a substantial number of Google Search results. Google acknowledged the ongoing issue with ranking in Google Search that’s affecting a large number of search results.

Google Search Status Update

On August 16, 2024, Google confirmed a Google Search ranking bug that affected a substantial number of Google Search results. Google acknowledged the ongoing issue with ranking in Google Search that’s affecting a large number of search results.

Google claimed they discovered the main cause and that the problem was not connected to the August 2024 core update rollout that they recently announced.

Google’s John Mueller stated on LinkedIn, “We have faults in our systems (like everyone else), and we want to be open about them with users and site owners. This issue is unrelated to the recent core update.

Google Search Ranking Bug

Impact of the Bug

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practitioners and website owners may see unexpected variations in their search ranks.
  • Users may encounter irregular or strange search results at this time.
  • The issue has the potential to harm organic traffic to websites that rely on Google Search for exposure.

Precautionary Measures for SEO Professionals

  • SEO specialists and website owners should closely watch the situation and their rankings.
  • Avoid making significant adjustments to SEO strategy based on existing rankings until the problem has been fixed.
  • Stay tuned to the official Google channels for more information on the issue.

How is Google Resolving The Issue

  • Google has prioritized the fixing of this issue.
  • Google is anticipated to provide regular updates while working on the remedy.
  • Once fixed, there may be a period of ranking re-adjustment while the fix is implemented.

Google Search Ranking Bug is Fixed

In response to the proven search ranking problem, Google immediately began working on a fix. The company stated that they had identified the root cause and were actively fixing it. Google promised consumers that an update would be available within 72 hours, demonstrating their commitment to resolving the issue as soon as possible. 

On August 20. 2024 Google has fixed the ongoing search ranking glitch, which appeared about the same time as the August 2024 core upgrade. Google wrote, “We fixed the ranking issue. “There will be no further updates.”

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