Using long and complicated URLs: Long and complex URLs are mostly challenging for both users and search engines to crawl. Aim for brevity and clarity.
Example: URL: /seo-practices-guide-2024, not /best-seo-practices-for-ranking-your-website-in-search-engines-2024-complete-guide/.
Keyword stuffing in URLs: Overloading URLs with keywords can harm SEO because they appear spammy and difficult to comprehend.
Using Underscores. Instead of hyphens: Search engines recognize underscores (_) as word joiners, whereas hyphens (-) are recognized as separators, which improves readability and SEO.
Including Special Characters: Avoid using special characters like &,%,?, or # in URLs.
Creating Dynamic URLs Using Query Strings: URLs with extensive query strings and parameters are less user-friendly and more difficult for search engines to index and rank.
Ignoring URL Case. URLs are case-sensitive, and using alternative variants (e.g., uppercase and lowercase) may result in duplicate content difficulties.
Leaving out descriptive keywords: Failure to add important keywords in your URL lowers its SEO potential.
Changing URLs Without Creating 301 Redirects: Changing a URL without redirecting the old URL to the new one might lead to lost traffic and broken links.
Use dates or numbers in URLs: Including dates or digits in URLs might make them less evergreen and more difficult to update without breaking links.
Example: Mistake: 2023-seo-best-practices.
Fix: /seo-best-practices.