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Sitelinks Search Box

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What is a Sitelinks Search Box?

A sitelinks search box displays in the Google search results, allowing users to search directly within a website without first visiting it. It usually appears underneath the main result for branded queries, especially on large websites like e-commerce platforms or prominent blogs.

Google is phasing out the Sitelinks Search Box, a feature that appears below certain search result snippets for specific queries. Introduced a decade ago, this feature will be removed globally across all languages and regions starting November 21, 2024.

Sitelinks Search Box

Google's Announcement:

In a post on the Search Central blog, Google explained the reason for its removal is due to declining usage. They noted, “Over time, we’ve observed a drop in usage.” To streamline search results, Google will eliminate this visual element worldwide starting from the specified date.

Impact on Rankings and Sitelinks:

Google clarified that removing this feature will not affect your search rankings or other sitelinks. “This won’t impact rankings or sitelinks and won’t be included in the Search status dashboard,” the company confirmed.

Additional Information:

Google will often also update the Search Console’s rich results report. After the update, the Sitelinks Search Box results report will be removed, and the markup will no longer be recognized in the Google Rich Results Test.

Google added that webmasters can remove Sitelinks Search Box structured data from their websites, but it’s not required. If you choose to remove it, remember that site names still rely on webSite structured data, which remains supported,” the company noted.

Why this matters:

The Sitelinks Search Box allows users to perform internal searches for your website directly from Google’s search results. While its use has declined, if you relied on this feature, you might feel its absence. Google recommends enhancing the visibility of your internal search box if you’re concerned about the loss of this functionality for users.


Google’s removal of the Sitelinks Search Box brings an end to a decade-long functionality that allowed users to search within websites directly from search results. While its decreased use forced this adjustment, keep in mind that it will have no effect on your site’s search results or other sitelinks. Webmasters can safely remove the related structured data without causing problems, but it is not required. For those concerned about the loss of this feature, ensuring that your internal search functionality is visible and easily available on your website is a viable solution for ensuring a consistent user experience.

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